The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) maintains the Immunization Information System, CHIRP (Children and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program). Through the MyVaxIndiana online portal, Hoosiers can access their family’s vaccination records from any computer.
To access your or your family’s vaccination records:
- Request your Patient ID Number (PIN) from your medical provider, local health department, or school
- Go to https://myvaxindiana.in.gov/
- Select Search from the menu bar
- Enter your information, PIN, and review the record release statement
- Select the Get MyVaxIndiana button
You can then print or download the vaccine record.
For more information about CHIRP or if you have any questions or need help:
MyVaxIndiana Email: MyVaxIndiana@isdh.in.gov
CHIRP Help Desk Email: CHIRP@isdh.in.gov
CHIRP Help Desk Support: 1-888-227-4439
For information about joining Hoosiers Vaccinate and how you can protect your community by advocating for pro-science policies, contact us today!